Park & Trails Council of Minnesota

275 East 4th Street suite 642
St. Paul , Minnesota  55101

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Park & Trails Council of Minnesota, St. Paul

From 1967 – 2004 Parks & Trails has acquired land valued at almost $10 million for the state’s park and trail systems. Cumulatively, Parks & Trails has acquired over 6500 acres of land for parks and trails, with an untold value. (In 1954 the state park system consisted of 65 units totaling 88,000 acres. By 1974 it had increased to 86 units with 160,000 acres. As of 2003, there are 66 state parks, 6 state recreation areas, 8 waysides and 1 state trail and approximately 247,000 acres within the system, with almost 8 million visitors per year).


Environmental Services